Rainy days to the 51st Super Bowl in Italy

Early Saturday morning, my roommates and I made our way to the steps of the Duomo to met our classmates for a day trip to Pisa and Luca. I was hoping for a nice sunny day for my first day trip but it was pouring cats and dogs on and off all day. After a little over an hour on the bus, we arrived in Pisa. The cloudy day couldn't keep my excitement at bay. I was SO excited to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Our buses dropped us off a few minute walk from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
We walked through a maze of tourist souvenir stands, turned a corner, and there was the Leaning Tower of Pisa!!! Even through the rain it was breathtaking. We had a few minutes before we needed to join up with our tour guide. With the few minutes we had, Erinn and I tried to take pictures holding up the tower but we didn't have enough time. We joined the group and got a guided tour of the cathedral and area surrounding the tower. The tour ended and we only had 25 minutes before we had to head back to the bus. So unfortunately, we didn't have time to climb the tower. We spent the entire 25 minutes directing each other to get the perfect picture holding up the tower. As you can see, I nailed it.

When our 25 minutes were up, we all trudged back to the buses to head to Luca. We arrived in Luca and it was only lightly raining. The torrential downpour started the moment we stepped off the bus. Jamie, Kailee, Sierra, Ashlyn, Erinn, and I looked for a place to grab lunch. We found a little place tucked on a side street and I had the best pizza I've had so far in Italy. We spent the whole time in the restaurant eating and talking. It was great. We left the restaurant a little before we needed to meet in search of gelato. A few blocks away we found a little place and the gelato was great! I had white chocolate and I loved it! We all got back on the bus and headed back to Florence. I want to go back to Luca on a nice day and actual explore Luca.
My roommates and I headed straight home to rest because later in the evening we were going out to celebrate our friend Kailee's birthday! But also, I was meeting up with Hendrik and his friends! He arrived at my apartment and I was super excited! We haven't seen each other in at least 2 years. Probably longer. Erinn came with us and his friends to dinner. We got to catch up for a little while before he and his friends headed back to their hostel to go out with them and Erinn and I went to meet up with Kailee and the gang for her birthday celebrations. Our roommates were meeting us there. We all had a great evening!! With all of us getting home between 1:00 am and 3:30 am, my apartment was very quiet until 1:30 pm. I was the first one home that night so I was the first one up. At 10:30 am I ran my errands aka took out the trash and went to the grocery store, and worked on homework.
Once everyone was up we wanted to get food but not go to far. Thankfully, there is a place right across the street. Anna, Erinn, and I ate in while Jasmine, Melony, and Lesly took their food to go.

After we finished our food, we walked across the street to our apartment and all worked on homework and relaxed. I took a nap and then got ready to go meet Hendrik and his friends to watch the Super Bowl. We met up with Kailee and Jamie at the bar we originally planned to watch it at but it was packed so we went somewhere else. We tried a few other spots we knew were showing it but each one you needed a prepaid ticket to get in.
Remembering I saw a small bar called Off The Hook with a sign saying they would be showing the Super Bowl so we headed there. We walked in and immediately got seats. It wasn't packed and is a super cool little bar! Watching the Super Bowl in Florence was such a cool experience! With it starting at 3:30 pm in California, it meant it started at 12:30 am here. I didn't get home til 5:00 am but it was definitely worth it. 
Monday I just had classes and went home and took a nap. Naps are becoming part of my schedule. Today I had classes and my first Italian Life and Culture Activity. It was an Amazing Race themed scavenger hunt. You and your team were racing the other teams from your school. My team came in second :(
I went home to drop off my school stuff before heading to a friends house to watch the Bachelor. Last week, one of the girls in my program posted on our Facebook page about hosting a viewing party each week and I was so excited! I shamefully admit that the Bachelor is my guilty pleasure. It is such a terrible show but I can't help but watch it. So tonight, a bunch of girls from my school gathered in an apartment, drank wine and watched the Bachelor Week 4. Nick sent so many girls home! And Corrine is still there! 

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